Regular giving

The heart and soul of David (and the team’s) experience!

We have, for more than 14 years, been actively developing regular giving programs and have managed one of the most successful regular giving programs in Australia (and noted in International Benchmarking as a top performer).

On a daily basis we pro-actively help our clients develop, implement and manage large and small ‘regular giving’ programs and given our experience, bring a wealth of knowledge to developing new programs as well as dramatically improving existing ones.

We also bring particular expertise and experience in face to face fundraising (F2F). As one of the most experienced organisations in regard to regular giving, we will ensure your program will provide maximum value to your fundraising portfolio.

Regular giving strategy

Highly recommended, we work with you to develop and tailor new or existing regular giving strategies. For existing plans, we comprehensively review the current strategy and provide insights and recommendations and implement these to maximise effectiveness. Our inputs focus on the complete delivery of the regular giving programme, from acquisition and retention to product development.

Regular giving product development

Clearly identifying and establishing all elements of your regular giving program adds immensurable value. We believe programs should never be ‘just the proposition’ but clearly incorporate the ‘donor bonding cycle’ which is critical for program success.

Our experience will ensure your program will engage, inspire and educate donors and create lasting value!

Regular giving donor journey

When we speak of a journey, we consider the entire path and experience we take the donor on. This path is critical to donor retention and success.We understand the process and acknowledge the importance of managing and looking after a donor throughout the entire giving life cycle.

This journey also helps us understand how a donor needs to be looked after and ensures it accurately reflects their life cycle and where they are on a journey in relation to other donors.

This overall donor value must be a key component in the success of your program and we can help you create and understand the process.

Regular giving review

Regular giving programs are often the core revenue source in an individual giving

program and this makes it of extremely high-value to the organisation. We understand the complexity and resource heavy nature of these programs and know through experience if they are not reviewed on a regularly basis they will inevitably underperform.

We provide comprehensive and independent review services that focus on all aspects

Of your program including acquisition, retention, value, suppliers and internal processes.

The end goal is to give you the tools to increase revenue!

Regular giving acquisition strategies

It’s often difficult to identify the best acquisition strategies for a regular giving program.

We’ll work with you to select and define these and bring expertise to each selected channel from face to face, DRTV, 2-step and mail, to online, telemarketing and digital.

Regular giving financial modelling

Often overlooked, our financial modelling has detailed ‘attrition modelling’ elements for regular giving programs. This ensures a high degree of accuracy when developing your forecast.

Our modelling also considers donor behaviour across a number of fundraising programs allowing you to better understand what is required in developing a long-term, successful program.

Regular giving donor retention

We have and continue to be at the forefront of the development and implementation of retention strategies. Amazingly, this key element is often overlooked or even ignored. Our experience has shown there is simply no question that retention is paramount to the long-term success of your program! Through clear, active and unambiguous retention programs targeted to your donors, we help you develop great relationships and add to the lifetime value of your donors.

Adding donor value in regular giving

Value adding is a commonly used term. In regular giving, however, it is an essential component to keeping donors active and engaged. For example, engaging additional donor value opportunities such as upgrades and cross selling of products.

Leveraging value adding, we are also one of only a few consultancies that have the experience and depth of knowledge to engage effective auto-upgrading to regular giving donors.

Cash giving

Cash giving

Cash donors are historically one of the most important givers within the fundraising portfolio. The key is to increase their number and value.We provide tailored strategies to acquire, retain and build cash giving donors and subsequent value across your database.

Cash giving strategy

We will build your organisation a successful and tailored cash giving strategy that will complement your overall fundraising plan. It will also build value over the lifetime of your donors through excellent acquisition and retention strategies.

Cash donor acquisition strategies

So, the key question.  What are the best donor acquisition strategies for your cash giving program?

We will not only help define these for you, but bring critical expertise to each agreed each channel including mail, online, telemarketing, lead generation and inserts to name a few. We bring extensive

experience in developing real and functional acquisition plans to grow the donor base for your organisation.

Cash donor retention

Retention of donors is simply essential for a successful cash program. Indeed, they are just as important just as important as with regular giving donors.

How you interact with your cash donors has a direct impact on the loyalty and therefore their longevity in your program.  We provide clear, tailored and comprehensive retention strategies to with your cash donors to build loyalty, longevity and value in the cash donor file.

Product developmentfor cash donors

Quite simply, we know how to develop appropriate and effective cash giving products that will engage, inspire and educate your cash donors and will build lasting value and longevity in your cash program.

Cash donor journey

Essential to donor retention is an inspiring donor journey! We know and understand this and work with you to develop journeys that will engage and inspire your donors and ultimately build loyalty, expand relationships and cement their long-term value to you.

Cash donor giving review

A comprehensive review of your cash giving program is simply essential for long-term success. Our independent reviews are targeted at providing key recommendations and strategy revisions as required. Our reviews cover all aspects of the program form acquisition, retention and values to suppliers and internal processes.

Cash donor financial modelling

We provide advice and guidance using predictive modelling of financial outcomes for your cash donor file. Our modelling is experienced-based and governed by historical trends and activities in your program, best practise in the sector overall and proven growth strategies.

Adding cash donor value

Well managed cash donors can dramatically increase their value through gift upgrades or conversion to regular cash giving. In addition we’ll work with you to develop additional ‘cash asks’ for your donors that add value and revenue.

Major gifts

Major gifts

Major donor fundraising can and should be integral to your overall fundraising strategy. Major donors add considerable value to your portfolio and we work with you to develop a clear and effective strategy that will dramatically increase both major donor numbers and revenue.

Major donor development

We will work with you to develop major donor acquisition tools including prospect research and identifying, developing and securing major donors from your database. As well, case for support

‘ask’ strategies and reporting. We can also develop a middle donorstrategy to be used as a feeder into your major donor pool.  A key element of the development process overall is the creation of tangible benefits to donors so they will become engaged and inspired to give.

Major donor stewardship

Looking after your donors can never be underestimated regardless of their size. How well you steward your donors has a direct influence on their giving behaviours and we can help develop stewarding plans that will engage, inspire and develop their giving.

Building value

Often cited, there is no question that building value is essential to the success of a donor program. The value you develop in a middle donor file can be a feeder to the major donor file and help increase the gift asks leading to higher value gifts.

Major donor program management

The management processes we develop for eachdonor program will allow your major donor fundraiser to effectively manage the program and increase value while allowing your fundraising manager to monitor and evaluate the program effectively.

Bequests & Legacies

Bequests & Legacies

Successful bequest programs are incredibly valuable to non-profit organisations! This noted, it is often difficult to begin a brand new program or to increase the functionality, value and opportunity in a current one.  New bequest strategies can have long lead timesso to mitigate this for key financial stakeholders, we develop a ‘case for support’that reflects this process and highlights the initial investment longer term benefits of a bequest program.

Bequest Development

An often difficult process, we will work with you to develop tools to identify bequest prospects.  These include in-depth research, surveys to identify prospects and communication strategies to donors to further build knowledge about potential bequest donors.

Bequest stewardship

A valued donor that leaves a bequest to your organisation is, of course,ideal, however it should not be the end of the journey. They must still be nurtured and recognised in an on-going process for their contribution. This stewardship will help them maintain their interest on the work you do and   the outcomes your beneficiaries receive. We can help you implement and manage this process,

Bequest program management

We can help develop management processes for your bequest program that will allowyour bequest fundraiser to effectively manage and develop the program’s value. These management processes then allow the fundraising manager to effectively manage the program.

Trusts, Foundations & Grant Making Bodies

Trusts, Foundations & Grant Making Bodies

Through the strategic development of a strong trusts, foundations and grant making bodies, you will we can help you increase the value of your fundraising portfolio. To do this we will create a plan that focuses on the development of new funders, the retention or stewardship of existing funders and the ability to manage the program overall.

Trusts and foundations strategy (T&F’s)

We specialise in developing and implementing tailored T&F strategies. As part of this, identifying relevant grant giving bodies for your organisation,the development and building of relationships with T&F’s and building overall value in the program.

Trusts and foundations applications

As part of our service, we can assist in the preparation of T&F applications as well as the essential ‘case for support’, key follow up activities and the complete design of T&F retention programs.

Trusts and foundations program management

An essential element for effective operation, we can develop management processes for your T&F program that will allow your T&F fundraiser to effectively manage and develop value for the program while your fundraising manager can effectively manage the overall program.

Community Fundraising

Community Fundraising

Local community fundraising is often the heart and soul of many organisations fundraising efforts. Yet, many organisations segregate these key community fundraising supporters to effectively protect them from other fundraising groups and the communications that go to these groups

Yet these donors are essential and can often give (and want to give) in other ways!  We can help you increase the value of this key group and add depth and revenue to your portfolio.

Community fundraising strategy

We work in partnership with you to develop a community fundraising plan that not only delivers income via this key channel but also acts as a feeder to other fundraising avenues such as the cash or regular giving file.


As always, retention is an essential component of every fundraising activity. In this instance, retaining your community supporters through carefully developed strategies. Great retention strategies means greater loyalty and opportunities for donors to give via other channels thus increasing their value to your organisation.

Build value from community fundraising

From increasing renewal rates (for events) or cross-selling to other fundraising channels – we’ll help you create ‘real’ value to add to your community fundraising program andincreasing your revenue bottom line.

Corporate Fundraising

Corporate Fundraising

While a strategy that generates income from the corporate world can be extremely beneficial, not all corporate organisations are suited to this type of fundraising. We understand this can work with your team to develop an approach that identifies likely targets that will help your organisation grow with them, fund future investment and develop strong, meaningful and mutually beneficial long-term relationships.

Corporate strategy

Your corporate strategy must work for you and your corporate partner. We understand this and develop corporate fundraising strategies that create strong partnerships with business and add value to both your fundraising investment and ultimately your beneficiaries. Brand alignment between you and your partners is also important so we help you align with logical partners and how to best do this to maximise your own brand.

Corporate partner development

There is no question developing new corporate partners is resource intensive and the return on effort less than satisfactory.  To maximise you return, we help our clients with prospect research, brand alignment and ‘ask’ strategies for potential corporate partners. We will also help you develop the ‘proposition’ for business partners that offer both parties

Corporate retention plan

As with all fundraising, retention is simply essential for success. We helpyou retain your corporate supporters through strong the development and implementation of sound retention programs that increase the strength and value of the relationship.



Digital has become an integral part of successful fundraising. How it is engaged is directly related to how well it works for you. We understand digital strategies in fundraising and can maximise your fundraising outcomes across a number of channels. Digital also works as a retention and acquisition tool adding additional value to its return on investment (ROI).

Digital strategy

For those unfamiliar with this channel, establishing and securing maximum effect from a digital strategy can be challenging. We understand this medium and have successfully engaged a digital strategy with numerous clients. We can develop a tailored digital strategy that will help develop your existing donors and introduce new ones.

Digital in acquisition

We build maximum value and revenue impact in donor acquisition using digital strategies.

Quite simply, our digital strategies will genuinely add acquisition value to your program.

Digital for retention

Digital has been proven to work well in donor retention. We have tailored and engaged this medium and have seen remarkable retention results for clients with increasing value and donor loyalty.

Digital in building value

Leveraging digital also adds value to your fundraising program. It allows you to add value to the donor by providing new offers to donors and cross selling.

Case for Support

Case for Support

The Case for Support is, quite simply, critical to the success of any fundraising program. Without it in place you can’t make a case for giving. We bring extensive experience to this process and can develop and incredibly sound and strong case for support by stakeholders regardless of your cause. By following known and tested principles, we can develop a case that will also increase the value of your fundraising program.

Developing the case for support

As noted, the Case for Support (or Case Statement) is an essential component of any fundraising plan. By clearly defining the need, the solution to that need and the donors part in that solution you can then comfortably embark on a fundraising program. We have successfully developed these for a number of our key clients with great success.

Case for support review

We can also review your existing case for support and recommend changes to enhance its message and engage and inspire the relevant stakeholders.